
Dobrodošli na spletni strani raziskave SysPharmPediA. SysPharmPediA je del mednarodnega raziskovalnega konzorcija, kar pomeni, da raziskovalci iz Španije, Slovenije, Nemčije in Nizozemske, tesno sodelujejo in proučujejo astmo pri otrocih.


Cilji raziskave SysPharmPediA

Astma je zapletena bolezen spodnjih dihal in predpisana zdravila pri otrocih ne učinkujejo vedno po pričakovanjih. Nekateri otroci imajo veliko težav, vendar še ni natanko raziskano zakaj. “Sistemska farmakologija” je nova raziskovalna veda, ki proučuje kako različni sistemi (kot npr. imunski sistem, bakterije, ki živijo v našem telesu in dedni dejavniki) skupaj vplivajo na odziv na zdravila za astmo. V raziskavi SysPharmPediA želimo izmeriti snovi v izdihanem zraku, v krvi, v slini, v blatu in v nosni sluznici pri otrocih, ki uporabljajo zdravila za zdravljenje astme. Raziskati želimo ali biološki sistemi pri otrocih, ki imajo večje težave zaradi astme, delujejo na drugačen način, kot biološki sistemi pri otrocih, ki nimajo toliko težav.

Študijska skupina SysPharmPediA v Sloveniji

Prof. dr. Uroš Potočnik

Professor dr. Uroš Potočnik received M.Sc. in molecular genetics (1998) and PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry (2001), both at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine. He spent 3 years (2002-2005) as postdoctoral fellow at National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute, USA. Uroš Potočnik is founder and head of “Center for Human Molecular Genetics and Pharmacogenomics (CHMGF)” at University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine, Slovenia The major goal of the CHMGF research plan is to achieve internationally recognized research excellence in the fields of molecular biology, molecular genetics, genomics and pharmacogenomics in medicine. The aim is to identify molecular, genetic and pharmacogenomic biomarkers for common immune complex diseases, recently focusing mostly on asthma and Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). As a member of International IBD Genetic Consortium he participated in the discovery of genetic architecture of IBD by identification of more than 200 SNPs associated with IBD at genome wide significance. He discovered many candidate genes associated with response to treatment in asthma patients. CHMGF is working together with clinicians. Dr. Uroš Potočnik is principal investigator in nationally funded and international research projects. He is full professor and senat member at University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and is teaching several undergraduate and postgraduate curses including Molecular biology, Pharmacogenomics, Bioinformatics, Genetics and genomics in Medicine. He is mentoring several PhD students involved in postgraduate program Biomedical technology at Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor. He was president of Slovenian Genetic Society and is currently member of board of directors. He is editorial board member of several international journals. He was FP7 expert evaluator for Health programme in 2010 and 2011. He published more than 50 papers in SCI peer-reviewed journals with high impact factor. His work received more than 3500 citations. For more comprehensive bibliography >>

Dr. Katja Repnik

Assistant professor Dr. Katja Repnik received B.Sc. in chemical engineering (2006) at University of Maribor, Faculty for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry (2014) at University of Ljubljana, Medical Faculty. She is assistant professor in the field of Genetics from year 2016 at University of Maribor and is assisting in several undergraduate and postgraduate curses including Molecular biology, Pharmacogenomics, Biochemistry, Genetics and Genomics in Medicine. She is active researcher of Center for Human Molecular Genetics and Pharmacogenomics (CHMGF) at University of Maribor, Medical Faculty, Slovenia. The main field of her research work is genetics of complex diseases, mainly inflammatory bowel disease and childhood astma with focus on identification of novel single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with higher risk for complex diseases and different individual response to treatment. She is also active member of Slovenian Genetic Society.

Dr. Vojko Berce

Assistant professor Dr. Vojko Berce is working as a pediatrician for more than 20 years and is currently a Deputy Head of Clinics of Pediatrics at University Medical Centre Maribor. His scope of research and professional activity is pediatric allergology and pulmonology.

Dr. Mario Gorenjak

Dr. Mario Gorenjak is working as a teaching assistant and postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for Human Molecular Genetics and Pharmacogenomics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor. His main areas of research are complex genetic diseases with main focus on Inflammatory Bowel disease and Childhood Asthma.


Prof. dr. Uroš Potočnik
Centre for Human Molecular Genetics and Pharmacogenomics
Faculty of Medicine
University of Maribor
Taborska ulica 8
2000 Maribor
Tel.: +386 2 23 45 854